Friday, October 15, 2010


Leadership is the ability to lead. It is the position or function of a leader. It could also be defined as the period during which a person occupies the position of a leader. However we will be more particular about the first definition.
Anyone who leads is a leader. The world right from creation had been full of so many leaders. Some good, some bad. The world has experienced leaders like Adam, Abraham, Moses, Joshua, Caleb, Samuel, Samson, Elijah, Elisah, Jesus, Peter, Paul, Alexander (the great), Plato, Socrates, Karl Max, Adolf Hitler and the list continues. Every area of humanity needs a leader. Business, sports, academics, technology, fashion, music and so on.
Leaders can either be good or bad. When the people have a good leader, they rejoice. There is peace and there is progress. On the other hand when the people have a bad leader, they suffer. There is war, want, lack, poverty and every bad thing you can think about. The leader directs the consciousness of the people. He exacts a good level of influence over the people whoever they are.
However very few people know the truth about good leadership. Being a good leader is more than having good intentions. Most bad leaders today didn’t have evil intentions when coming into leadership. They had the mind of being a leader but they ended up being a ruler or worst still a dictator. Leadership is a very powerful tool for changing the destiny of a nation therefore whoever is coming into leadership is a very agent of change. He stands in a position where he can either bring the pass the purpose of God or of the devil. Although very few leaders agree with this fact, the truth is they are actually under the influence of one of the two kingdoms on earth, the kingdom of God and the devil. The leader in power will definitely do the desires of the kingdom he subjects to whether deliberately or not.

A leader that submits to the kingdom of the devil will lead the people in a bad way. The people under him will suffer, complain and cry. A leader that submits to God will lead the people in a good way. The people under him will be glad, they will flourish, there will be things that they will always rejoice about. Though they may face difficult times they will always come through them stronger.

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